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Insurance & Insurance Defense

Attorney Bill Gray is frequently hired by insurers to provide them or their insureds with an effective and comprehensive defense.

Representing insurance companies requires an attention-to-detail as well as responsiveness in providing updates throughout the life of a claim. Attorney Bill Gray is experienced at effectively and efficiently evaluating the exposure of a claim by considering the facts, venue, and other details.


Insurance Lawyer

Attorney Bill Gray has earned a listing in the prestigious Best's Directory of Recommended Insurance Attorneys and Adjusters for his outstanding representation on behalf of insurance companies throughout the U.S. This directory is the gold standard for assuring clients of an attorney's excellent reputation in the field of insurance law. 


Insurance Defense

Attorney Bill Gray has experience defending claims including:

  • All Risk Policies

  • Builders' Risk

  • Business Interruption

  • Commercial General Liability

  • Directors and Officers

  • Employers Professional Liability Insurance

  • Environmental

  • Errors and Omissions

  • Life and Disability, including ERISA-governed policies

  • Marine Coverage

  • Named Peril

  • Occupational Accident

  • Personal Lines

  • Professional Liability

  • UIM/UM Claims


If you need effective representation by an experienced insurance and insurance defense lawyer, contact attorney Bill Gray.

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Attorney Bill Gray

William P. Gray, Jr. has been practicing law for over 45 years litigating hundreds of cases (over 100 cases to verdict) all over the state of Alabama.

Contact  Us

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Visit Us:

3500 Blue Lake Drive, Suite 455

Birmingham, Alabama 35243


Call Us: 205-968-0900

Fax: 205-968-6534

Email Us:

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Thanks for contacting us!

As required by the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2, no representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.


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Website design by Cartography Consulting.

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